What is a Master Plant Dieta?
What is a Master Plant Dieta?
For thousands of years, indigenous people of the amazon region of Peru have been utilizing the abundance of medicinal plants around them to heal a multitude of physical, spiritual, and energetic ailments, as well as connect to the power and energy that these plants offer for personal development, expansion of consciousness, and spiritual growth and strengthening. Long before western medicine arrived to this area, the healers or “Curanderos” evolved a profound connection to the plants, thus developing many practices and techniques to utilize their healing properties.
The curanderos go through extensive and rigorous training and preparation for many years to be able to perform this work, connecting with the spiritual realm of the plants, and allowing them to reveal the ways to utilize their power for healing. The plants teach and heal, the curandero serves as a channel to manifest what is necessary for the healing to take place, receiving all instruction and guidance from the plant spirits themselves.

The Dieta is a process by which an individual looking for healing (or looking to learn and evolve with the plants) enters into a strict process of isolation and food limitation while ingesting the plant remedy prepared by the curandero. Isolation and detox are necessary to be able to separate oneself from outside influences, thus creating the clarity of mind-body-spirit needed to receive from the plant they will be working with during their diet. The dieter will refrain from eating salt, oil, spices, and sugar; eating only a small quantity of very simple food once or twice per day. They refrain from using any technology, and they also don’t use anything on the skin or hair like soaps, deodorants, creams or perfumes during this special time. According to the objective of the diet, the curandero will prepare a plant medicine for them to ingest during their diet.
Isolating one’s self from others serves to detox the energy field from the energy of other people. When we isolate and detox in nature, our energy field relaxes, expands, and harmonizes to the natural rhythm of the earth which is the most supportive and conducive state to receive from and connect to your dieta plant.
Limited food intake detoxes the physical body, taking in only enough nutrients to sustain one’s self during this special time. The physical body is stripped down to release the build-up of toxins, and to become as clean and clear as possible for the essence of the plant medicine to be integrated in.
When the dieta is finished, the curandero performs a certain ritual to “close the dieta” and depending on the length of time the person was in the diet, the dieter will continue to adhere to certain restrictions in the days or weeks following the diet, and take an appropriate amount of time to slowly return to their normal lives.
Fiammetta offers two kinds of traditional Master Plant Dietas. The ayahuasca format includes three ayahuasca ceremonies during the week long dieta, and the tobacco format, does not include ayahuasca ceremonies. Both are powerful and beneficial in distinct ways. Be in touch with Fia directly to discuss more about these two different styles, and which might be best for you.
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