Post Ceremony Guidelines and Care

Plant Medicine ceremonies have the potential to powerful, life changing experiences that affect us in profound ways. It is important we provide ourselves the proper kind of care afterwards, to ensure that the healing work settles properly, and that we’re not doing anything to interfere with that process. Here are the recommendations for ideal post ceremony care:
If possible, avoid going to work, or having other commitments the day immediately after ceremony. Give yourself time and space to rest and be with yourself as you begin to integrate your experience, for it is in the integration that we may bring the full healing potential of what we have experienced into our lives. The ideal environment to return to after ceremony is a peaceful one. Especially the first night after ceremony it can be helpful to set a sacred space for yourself at home. Light candles, burn incense, listen to soothing music, etc.​
*note- if you have a family to return to, it’s understandable that it may not be as easy to create this kind of space for yourself. If you’re unable, that’s just fine. Follow your instincts, take moments for yourself when you can.
1. Continue the diet for the next 3 days. It is best to continue the diet guidelines for the next few days, as the medicine will still be present in your body, spirit, and energy body. Avoid any foods that may be too harsh, as they may diminish your connection with the plant. Especially if you experienced physical purging during the ceremony, your digestive system will be more sensitive. Red meat, spicy or oily foods should be avoided. Eggs, fish, and chicken are safe to eat if they are part of your normal diet. Avoid coffee and other stimulants for a minimum of one full day after ceremony. (i.e. if you did ceremony on Saturday night, the soonest you’ll want to have caffeine is Monday morning)
2. Avoid conflict and / or intense interactions with other people when possible. Take care and conserve your precious energy.
3. Avoid sex and self-pleasuring for the next 3 days. We don’t want to mix energies with another person right after ceremony, nor experience orgasm as it can have counteractive effects on our energy system coming out of ceremony.
4. It can be very beneficial to the integration process to journal after your experience. In this way we can bring more clarity and understanding, and often times writing things out will empty out your channel so that you may continue processing and receiving new insights.
5. Find your spiritual practice. Whether you already have a well-established spiritual practice or not, dedicating time and energy to spiritually nourishing activity is highly beneficial after ceremony. Connecting with nature, yoga, breathwork, singing, prayer, or anything else that you may discover helps you feel grounded, connected, and at peace.
If you feel that you would benefit from extra integration support, Fiammetta offers one on one sessions by phone or in person with a sliding scale for the energy / time exchanged. You may contact her directly to schedule.